So you want to get your Google+ Plus profile listed next to your search engine results? And using WordPress and Yoast’s SEO plugin? Great. You can either watch the video above which is 3:30mins or you can read along below either way the content is the same.
Before we start here’s your checklist:
- You are using WordPress
- You have Yoast SEO Plugin installed
- You have a Google+ Profile
Let’s get started
1. Goto your Google+ Profile and copy the URL:
2. Goto your WordPress users and select yourself and then where the space is to add your plus one profile paste it in and then click “update profile”.
3. Goto your Yoast SEO plugin and click on social then on Google+ then either select the user you want for the homepage if you want the homepage to have that author or do not select it if you don’t want it like that and only want the Google+ profile to appear for blog posts.
4. Check if it’s working using the “Google Structured Data Testing Tool” if you did opt for it to work on your homepage insert that URL if not check a url of a blog post of that author you just added a Google+ profile for. And that’s it, it should all be working and should take a few days or weeks to appear in Google search engine results.
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