Bulk Google Pagespeed Scores for Free and Easily

I check Google Pagespeed scores all the time as I really find it makes a big difference to rankings. But relying on search console which doesn’t show scores but gives a rough overall indication and constantly going to the pagespeed site to check is a pain. I’d be wanting to create a bulk tool for a while and now have integrated into BeamUsUp SEO Crawler and as always this is completely free and unlimited as it has been since 2013!

Download WindowsMac or Linux

Remember you need Java installed for Mac & Linux. As well as to uninstall any previous version.

Installing on Mac Instructions

I unfortunately don’t have a Mac to test the Mac version however a user on Reddit has suggested to do the following:
Open Terminal (edit locations as required): brew install openjdk sudo ln -sfn /opt/homebrew/opt/openjdk/libexec/openjdk.jdk /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk.jdk java –add-exports java.desktop/com.apple.eawt=ALL-UNNAMED -jar /private/tmp/buu.jar

How to get pagespeed scores

Firstly get an API key which is free from Google here the program itself should prompt you for it. Secondly crawl your website which will look for general SEO issues for you. Once that is done right click on any URL and select what you want to get pagespeed scores for:

Showing how to launch google pagespeed check

Then you’ll get a popup with progress per page:

Showing progress of getting google pagespeed scores within the app

The scores will appear here but also in the new pagespeed filter on the right:

Showing where to find pagespeed scores within the app

That is it! Need help leave a comment on the latest versions post 🙂