Carcondor – How a product is created from a problem.

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The reason I left this software to depreciate was because I started another company Carcondor. Within the automotive industry. Let me tell you how all of that got started, for you to understand how a product is created from a problem. But mostly for me to plug my own company 😉


I am working in digital marketing and product at a large car dealer in the UK. While it is not my position, I start to notice we have no idea what cars to buy, no idea where we are compared to the market or anything like that. So, I start to think of ways that we could resolve this problem.


I assume our business is on the verge of collapse it has 500+ staff members and over 50 years of history. I get ready to leave to start a company to give data to car dealers. Few days later the company collapses. Corruption was rife within the company and within the last few months there were attempts to clean it up, but it was too late. If they had been able to compare themselves to the market, they would of found out just how deep the corruption went. But unfortunately, they could not…

I get straight to work on our MVP and a month after the collapse we have our MVP and our first customer, 4 months in and we’re profitable.

What it taught me

I learnt to “scratch my own itch” meaning finding a problem that was mine (or in this case my companies) and finding a solution for it. The logic is if you have the problems others do too. I wouldn’t assume your personal problems are ones that others do always. But when it comes to companies, I saw how it would be possible that similar software could of saved the company. When the problem can have such serious consequences then there is probably a market for it. Using our software, we’ve been able to predict the downfall of several companies’ months before it happened. Working at several jobs in different industries will always conjure up ideas that could make a great product that you can create a company out of.

If for any reason you’re on this website and are in need for competitor intelligence for the UK car industry then you can visit Carcondor I am sure they’ll be thousands of you 😉


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  1. Park with me
    18 . May . 2021

    thanks for sharing you will help me much.


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