Update: Unforuntately due to personal reasons the developer I was working on this with (who doesn’t work for my main company) could no longer continue. So this project was abandoned, I have decided instead to use my company and my own developers to develop a spiritual sucessor to beamusup which will be webbased and a hybrid software that should help with SEO too.
Hey, so we’re scheduled to release the web based version of our crawler in January 2023 as a BETA. It’s a little far in the future I know but bare in mind we are just two people doing this as a side project. At the start essentitally the look and feel should be somewhat similar to the desktop version, as that was the quickest way to do things. In terms of the way it will work you will have to sign up and dependant on how many users there are you will have to wait your turn for your crawl and then we’ll email you back when it is done.
If you want to be informed when it’s released leave a comment here or on the previous post (no need to leave it twice although the support is appreciated).
31 . Jul . 2022Nice, i will try when you are ready!
James gregory
20 . Aug . 2022Can’t wait mate, is Java desktop version fixed now?
William Gomes
01 . Oct . 2022We no longer support that version.
06 . Sep . 2022Would love to try it! The Mac version of the desktop download says it can’t verify the developer and is unable to tell whether it is malware or safe, so it won’t open and I’m unable to use it.
21 . Sep . 2022OK 😉
30 . Sep . 2022Please let me know when the tool is ready, really appreciate I could use it!
04 . Oct . 2022Great news. Hope everything’s running smoothly
05 . Dec . 2022Looking forward to the release
21 . Dec . 2022Waiting for beta-testing…
Teknik Telekomunikasi
26 . Dec . 2022only a few days left until january
22 . Jan . 2023Sure. Looking forward to it.
01 . Feb . 2023Hoping it’s still possible to include me on the beta tests!
11 . Feb . 2023I’m interested! Thanks
01 . Mar . 2023I would like to try it, and help out.
Rich B
03 . Mar . 2023Hi, I would love to use the new crawler when it’s ready
30 . Mar . 2023Hm, ok… January came and went. So I assume it’s dead in the water again?
Even if so would you please let us know so we may adjust our wishingfor…
Thx 🙂
05 . Jun . 2023YESS, waiting for any update
27 . Oct . 2023Unfortunately this was being developed by the original developer of the tool who was enable to continue. However my team from my company have now taken over and we will be releasing not a crawler but some hybrid software instead. I’ll let you know when that is released.
25 . May . 2023Thanks for Update !