
Learn about Conversion Rate Optimization with these related blog posts. Homepage and Lead Generation Page Conversion & Product Review

Join me as I take a look at Wagestream and look at how they could make their product easier to understand to improve conversion rate from their homepage as well as their lead generation page. What is the problem? Wagestream has a great product (I’ve never used it but it sounds great), the problem is you need to scroll down a few miles before they tell you what their main product, actually...

NEW – CRO Conversion Rate Optimization Tool (Compare test performance with Google Analytics)

So you’re running a test using your favourite testing tool and you want to quickly using data from Google Analytics find out the percentage difference in all your metrics for each variation compared to the control. However usually you’d have to export to excel then figure out the percentage differences there wasting time… Not any more! We’ve created a new tool that...